General information about lions

The lion is distinguished by its speed in running, as its speed reaches (80) kilometers per hour, a speed more than the speed of the horse, but in the
General information about lions

The lion has the smallest heart among the carnivores and the largest title in the lion

The forest, as he is its king without a competitor, so why did he deserve to be the king of the forest despite Jude?

Animals no less powerful than the elephant and tiger?

It seems that he deserved this due to his morals, as he can describe himself as what he was characterized by. The lion does not eat carrion, and if it preys on prey and it smells foul, it does not eat it. He does not eat anything from yesterday's prey. If he eats and is full, he does not hide what remains of his food As the tiger does but leaves it for others to eat. The lion has a wife whom he is jealous of, and he has children whom he takes great care of The hungry one is a family, and he cries in his house (the den) inside a colony, whimpering and not listening No one can enter it, and the family guards it, as it covers an area of (100) square miles. They define its borders by urinating on its edges. And if he sleeps, his eyes do not sleep, but remain open, although he is immortal To rest for a long time, as he spends only (4) hours searching for his food, while he stays the rest The day is deliberate, and the animals know that he does not attack others unless he is hungry, so that is why It may graze and play near its mate, which is surprising, how do you know Animals that he is hungry, so you run away from him? And how do you know that he is Shi'an so he can play and play near him?

his speed

The lion is distinguished by its speed in running, as its speed reaches (80) kilometers per hour, a speed more than the speed of the horse, but in the case of an attack on Its prey can reach a speed of 115 kilometers per hour.

social life

The lion is a social inclination, as it often lives in a small community and exercises His life is through this small community, and he is also a lover of his country and is a little nomadic. He clings to the land on which he resides, and if he is forced to change the place, he is very nostalgic at home and often takes the opportunity to return to it.

Elevated sleep

The lion contributes to the provision of food, but most of the time his game falls on the lioness. Also, in most cases, she does not eat unless the lion has tasted some of it and moved away, and has risen to sleep, then she will rest family to eat.


And the lion is a voracious eater, and in one meal it will consume about two kilograms A gram of saliva per day, which means that about one hundred zebras are sufficient for one year. He does not eat people unless he is hungry.


The lioness lays one to three cubs in one abdomen without any movement Fill them, and guard them while their eyes are not opened, until the lion comes and blows on me their nostrils, and they move. And the duration of her pregnancy is three and a half months, and often the situation is in the spring, and she undertakes The lion is her falconer by suckling, caring, and protecting, and bears their opposition and the pricking of their teeth.

And she strips them to walk and walks in front of them, chanting with tender voices, and this movement is repeated Until they respond to her and follow her, and her cub follows her to hunt after (6) months, and guides after (6) Disadvantages, and his father often expels him from the community for him to have a community of his own.

The average age of the lion is from (25) to (30) years


And if the lion smells the scent of the hunters, it hides its tail with its walking features so that it does not Hunters hunt him down.

Lion food

The lion is one of the animals that depend on meat for its food, and the lion often depends on lewdness in obtaining food, because it is more light, agile, and able to persevere in chasing the prey, yet the lions eat the largest share of the catch, and most hunting takes place before dawn or at night,

Daytime hunting operations are of little success, as he may not get more than one prey out of twenty attempts he makes in broad daylight, and if he visits the lion, the animals he chases will intensify his escape, and obtaining food for the lion is not an easy matter, Ed encounters many difficulties from some The hunted animals defend themselves, and often lose their fangs or fall into deep waters or in a deeper slope when they are rushing at full speed chasing their prey, so sometimes relationships develop between lions, so they go out hunting in groups and cooperate in ambushing prey and sharing it in affection, but if Prey is less and food is scarce, for the selfish spirit takes the place of cooperation, and everyone thinks only of himself

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